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Research Books

Lynch, T. (2025). Physical education and wellbeing: global and holistic approaches to child health and academic learning (2nd edition). London, UK: Palgrave Macmillan. doi: 10.1007/978-3-031-72874-7

Lynch, T. (2019). Physical education and wellbeing: global and holistic approaches to child health. London, UK: Palgrave Macmillan. doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-22266-6


Lynch, T. (2016). The future of health, wellbeing and physical education: optimising children’s health and wellbeing through local and global community partnerships. London, UK: Palgrave Macmillan. doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-31667-3


Book Reviews


Adenkabi, I. (2023). Book review: Physical education and wellbeing: global and holistic approaches to child health. Future Focus - the official Journal of The Ohio Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance, USA. doi:10.5281/zenodo.7949393


Goff, W. (2017). The future of health, wellbeing and physical education: optimising children's health through local and global community partnerships.

Journal of Education for Teaching. doi: 10.1080/02607476.2017.1351847


Publications (Journals)

Lynch, T. & Goff, W. (2024, June 18). Ofsted: Moving towards research in education. British Educational Research Association (BERA) blog post.

Retrieved from

Lynch, T. (2023, July 31). British international schools: are teachers and school leaders qualified? British Educational Research Association (BERA) blog post.

Retrieved from British international schools: Are teachers and school leaders qualified? | BERA

Lynch, T. (2023, February 22). Data in schools: Why gathering reliable data is so important. British Educational Research Association (BERA) blog post.

Retrieved from Data in schools: Why gathering reliable data is so important | BERA

Lynch, T. (2022, October 12). Evidence based practice in schools: diving deeper.  British Educational Research Association (BERA) blog post. Retrieved

from Evidence-based practice in schools: Diving deeper | BERA

Lynch, T. (2022). Leading school recovery from the impact of Covid-19: two birds, one stone. Education 3-13 doi: 10.1080/03004279.2022.2068638

Lynch, T. (2017). How does a physical education teacher become a health and physical education teacher? Sport Education and Society, 22 (3), 355-376. 

doi: 10.1080/13573322.2015.1030383


Lynch, T. & Soukup, G. J. (2017). Primary physical education (PE): School leader perceptions about classroom teacher quality implementation. 

Cogent Education, 1348925. doi:


Lynch, T. & Soukup, G. J. (2016). “Physical education”, “health and physical education”, “physical literacy” and “health literacy”:

Global nomenclature confusion. Cogent Education, 3(1), 1217820, doi: 10.1080/2331186X.2016.1217820.


Lynch, T. (2016, October). Swimming skills literature review: A FINAL report for Royal National Lifeboat Institute (RNLI) (expert commentary). Cloud

Chamber Evaluation Services. England, United Kingdom.


Carleton, W. L., Henrich, T. W., Soukup, G. J. & Lynch, T. J. (2016). Utilising inclusion instructional methods to promote student motivation and success in

in the movement environment: "the pool model". Journal of Research and Contemporary Issues in Human Kinetics and Health Education, 3(1), 1-18. 


Lynch, T. (2016). United Nations Sustainable Development Goals: Promoting health and well-being through physical education partnerships. Cogent Education, doi: 10.1080/2331186X.2016.1188469. 


Lynch, T. (2016, October 11). Semantics: 'physical education' vs 'physical literacy', ACHPER Blog. Retrieved from


Lynch, T. (2015). Australian aquatic curriculum reform: treading water carefully? International Journal of Aquatic Research and Education, 9(2), 201-213.


Lynch, T. (2015). Teacher education physical education: in search of a hybrid space. Cogent Education, 2(1), 1027085 

doi: 10.1080/2331186X.2015.1027085


Lynch, T. (2015). Health and physical education (HPE): Implementation in primary schools. International Journal of Educational Research, 70 (c), 88-100.

doi: 10.1016/j.ijer.2015.02.003 


Lynch, T. (2015, May). Swimming through winter necessary for children's health and development (expert commentary). Professional Public Relations

Media Release - Peninsula Aquatic Recreation Centre, Melbourne, Australia. doi: 10.13140/RG.2.1.2003.2163


Lynch, T. (2015). Investigating children's spiritual experiences through the health and physical education learning area in Australian schools.

Journal of Religion and Health, 54(1), doi:10.1007/s10943-013-9802-2.


Lynch, T. (2015, July 21). 'Raya open house speaks volumes of HM as leader' (expert commentary), The Brunei Times. 1 Syawal 1436, Brunei Darussalam.


Lynch, T. (2014). Australian curriculum reform II: Health and Physical Education (HPE). European Physical Education Review, 20(4), 508-524. doi: 10.1177/1356336X14535166


Lynch, T. (2014). Health shouldn't be an exclusive club. Education Review. Retrieved from



Lynch, T. (2014). Swimming education in Australian society. The International Journal of Sport and Society, 3(4), 197-207. Retrieved from doi:10.13140/2.1.2365.3765


Lynch, T. (2014). Is 'health' a club? Monash University. Retrieved from doi:10.13140/2.1.5150.6569


Lynch, T. (2014). A resource package training framework for producing quality graduates to work in rural, regional and remote Australia: a global

perspective. Australian and International Journal of Rural Education, 24(2), 1-14. doi: 10.13140/2.1.2518.7842


Lynch, T. (2013). School centres for teaching excellence (SCTE): understanding new directions for schools and universities in health and

physical education. Asia-Pacific Journal of Health, Sport and Physical Education, 4(3), 249-266.


Lynch, T. (2013). Teacher training should give students a healthy chance. Monash University. Retrieved from doi:10.13140/2.1.4728.7685


Lynch, T. (2013). Quality invasion games: red rover or British bulldog? Australian Council for Health, Physical Education and Recreation (ACHPER)

Active and Healthy Magazine, 20(3/4), 27-29 doi:10.13140/2.1.4986.8165


Lynch, T. (2013). Health and physical education (HPE) teachers in primary schools: supplementing the debate. Australian Council for Health,

Physical Education and Recreation (ACHPER) Active and Healthy Magazine, 20(3/4), 10-12.

primary-schools-supplementing-the-debate doi:10.13140/2.1.2889.6644


Lynch, T. (2013). 'Poison ball' or a magic potion? Secrets within an infamous game. Australian Council for Health, Physical Education and

Recreation (ACHPER) Active and Healthy Magazine, 20(2), 19-21 doi:10.13140/2.1.3282.8806

Lynch, T. (2013)Community collaboration through sport: bringing schools together. Australian and International Journal of Rural Education,

23(1), 9-22.;py=2013;vol=23;res=IELHSS;issn=1839-7387;iss=1 doi:10.13140/2.1.1120.1921

Lynch, T. (2013). Exploring religious education and health and physical education key learning area connections in primary schools. The

International Journal of Humanities Education, 10(2), 11-23. doi:10.13140/2.1.1800.1287


Lynch, T. (2013). Zig zag tee ball: a quality game. Australian Council for Health, Physical Education and Recreation (ACHPER) Active and

Healthy Magazine, 20(1) 18-21  doi:10.13140/2.1.2324.4165


Lynch, T. (2013). Partnering up in the pool, Latrobe Valley Express, 21 George Street, Morwell, Australia doi:10.13140/2.1.4855.7440

Lynch, T. (2013, February 21). Karate kids: should we be worried about martial arts in pre-schools? The Conversation. Retrieved from   doi:10.13140/2.1.2848.7044

Lynch, T. (2012). Swimming and water safety: reaching all children in Australian primary schools. International Journal of Aquatic Research and

Education, 6(3), 267-278. doi:10.13140/2.1.3241.9206

Lynch, T. (2012). Rips, currents and snags: Investigating the delivery of educational goals for young Australians in the region of Gippsland,

Victoria. Australian and International Journal of Rural Educaton, 22(3), 1-18.;py=2012;vol=22;res=IELHSS;issn=1839-7387;iss=3 doi:10.13140/2.1.1669.0564

Lynch, T. (2012). Swimming and water safety: a school teacher's perspective. Swimming in Australia: Journal of the Australian Swimming Coaches and

Teachers Association, 28(3), 42-45. doi:10.13140/2.1.1406.9124

Lynch, T. (2012). Rips, currents and snags: Investigating the complexities of teaching swimming and water safety within primary schools.

Swimming in Australia: Journal of the Australian Swimming Coaches and Teachers Association, 28(3), 48-52. doi:10.13140/2.1.2455.4881

Lynch, T. (2012). Creating pathways for swimming and water safety within Teacher education: a university perspective. Swimming in Australia: Journal

of the Australian Swimming Coaches and Teachers Association, 28(3), 34-36. doi:10.13140/2.1.4552.6401

Lynch, T.  (2008). Comparison of health and physical education policies with practices: An evaluation of school responses within three Brisbane

Catholic Education (BCE) primary schools (2005). The International Council (ICHPER-SD) Journal of Research in Health, Physical Education,

Recreation, Sport & Dance, 3(2), 8-18. doi:10.13140/2.1.1079.2323

Lynch, T. (2007). What has changed since the 1992 Senate Inquiry into Physical and Sport Education? An Evaluation of school responses within

three Brisbane Catholic Education (BCE) primary schools. Australian Council for Health and Physical Education and Recreation (ACHPER) Healthy

Lifestyles Journal, 54(1), 16-23.;dn=200705368;res=IELAPA doi:10.13140/2.1.2127.8089

Lynch, T. (2007). Health & Physical Education Specialist Teachers: What should Brisbane Catholic Education (BCE) Primary Principals look for? Journal

ofCatholic School Studies, 79(1), 3-10.;issn=0818-5827;res=AEIPT doi:10.13140/2.1.2652.0967

Lynch, T. (2006). Cultural lessons. The Catholic Leader, The Corporation of the Trustees, Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Brisbane, Queensland,

Australia. doi:10.13140/2.1.3438.5284

Lynch, T. (2006). The heart of Australia. Education Alive, Brisbane Catholic Education, Australia. doi:10.13140/2.1.4487.1049

Lynch, T. (2005). An evaluation of school responses to the introduction of the Queensland 1999 health and physical education (HPE) syllabus and

policy documents in three Brisbane Catholic primary schools. doi:10.13140/2.1.1865.6641 


Lynch, T. (2005). Jesus was a good sport, Australian Catholics, Australian Catholics Magazines Pty Ltd, Melbourne Victoria. doi:10.13140/2.1.2914.2405

Lynch, T. (2004). A Catholic Education perspective on the importance of the HPE curriculum in schools. ACHPER Healthy Lifestyles Journal,

51(2-3), 7-11. doi:10.13140/2.1.3307.4569 

Lynch, T. (2004). Teaching Catholicism, as easy as play. Catholic School Studies Journal, 77(2) October, 2-4.;dn=141735;res=AEIPT doi:10.13140/2.1.2258.8804


Lynch, T. (2004). The importance of HPE in Catholic schools. Education Alive, Brisbane Catholic Education 11(2) July, 6-7. doi:10.13140/2.1.4356.0324


Lynch, T. (2003, November 3). Evaluating the implementation of the new Queensland health and physical education documents (1999) in

Brisbane Catholic Education primary schools. Doctoral Thesis Proposal Defence Seminar, Faculty of Education, Australian Catholic University


International Conference Peer Reviewed Published Proceedings

Lynch, T., Goff, W. & Soukup, G. J. (2024, July 8). Australian Primary School Leaders' Response to Improving Education, Health, and Wellbeing. Abstract proceedings of the International Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Dance, and Sport World Congress. Tokyo Gakugei University, Tokyo, Japan.

Soukup, G. J.  &  Lynch, T. (2017, March 16). University wellness class impact on the cardiorespiratory fitness of overweight/obese students. Proceedings

of the SHAPE America national convention and expo 2017. Boston, Massachusetts, USA: Society of Health and Physical Educators (SHAPE) America.


Lynch, T. & Soukup, G. J. (2017, March 14). Primary physical education in New South Wales Australia: What headteachers want for their schools. 

Abstract proceedings of the International Council for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, Sport & Dance (ICHPER-SD) 2017 Forum. Boston, Massachusetts,

USA: Society of Health and Physical Educators (SHAPE) America.


Soukup, G. J. & Lynch, T. (2017, March 14). Defining physical education: Where physical activity, physical literacy and health and physical education fit

into the definition of physical education. Abstract proceedings of the International Council for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, Sport & Dance

(ICHPER-SD) 2017 Forum. Boston, Massachusetts, USA: Society of Health and Physical Educators (SHAPE) America.


Lynch, T. (2016, June 23). The future of health, wellbeing and physical education: Optimising children's health and wellbeing through local and global

sustainable partnerships. Abstract proceedings of the Sustainable Earth 2016: A global forum for connecting research with action (p. 10). Plymouth, UK:

Plymouth University Sustainable Earth Institute.


Lynch, T. (2015, July 1-5). Health and Physical Education (HPE): Local and Global Communities of Practice. Paper presented at The Third European Conference on Education - organised by the International Academic Forum (iafor) in affiliation with the global university partners, Brighton, United Kingdom.


Lynch, T. (2015, April 13-15). International Council for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, Sport and Dance (ICHPER-SD): partnering ACHPER. Paper presented at the 29th Australian Council for Health, Physical Education and Recreation (ACHPER) International Conference, Adelaide (Australia).


Lynch, T. (2014, December 18-20). On the front foot: an Australian Health and Physical Education (HPE) perspective. Paper presented at the 56th International Council for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, Sport and Dance (ICHPER-SD) Anniversary World Congress & Exposition, Manama

(Bahrain). doi:10.13140/2.1.1437.8563


Lynch, T. (2013, December 19-21). Listening to primary schools: Australian Health and Physical Education (HPE). Paper presented at the 55th

International Council for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, Sport and Dance (ICHPER-SD) Anniversary World Congress & Exposition, Istanbul (Turkey). doi:10.13140/2.1.4899.7767 


Lynch, T. (2013, November 27-29). Swimming and water safety education: continuing the journey of belief. Paper presented at the 28th

Australian Council for Health, Physical Education and Recreation (ACHPER) International Conference, Melbourne (Australia). doi:10.13140/2.1.1841.0887 


Lynch, T. (2013, February13-15). A resource package Framework for producing quality graduates to work in rural, regional and remote

Australia: a global perspective. Paper presented at the 3rd International Symposium for Innovation in Rural Education (ISFIRE) / 29th Society

for the Provision of Education fo Rural Australia (SPERA) National Conference, University of Western Australia, Perth.

Lynch, T. (2011, December 17-23). What does a role model Australian primary school Health and Physical Education (HPE) programme look like?

Paper presented at the 53rd International Council Health, Physical Education, Recreation, Sport and Dance (ICHPER-SD) Anniversary World Congress

& Exposition, Cairo (Egypt). doi:10.13140/2.1.2783.1682 

Lynch, T.  (2006, October 1-4).  Inclusion and equity in HPE policy and practice: An evaluation of school responses within three Brisbane

Catholic Education (BCE) primary schools.  Paper presented at the 1st International Council Health, Physical Education, Recreation, Sport and Dance

(ICHPER-SD) Oceania Congress, Wellington (NZ). doi:10.13140/2.1.2521.0241 


Book Chapters

Goff, W. & Lynch, T. (2024). The peripheral model of home-school associations. In Handbook on Families and Education: Theory, Research, and Practice.

Goff, W., Lynch, T. & Dervish. (2024). An integrative review of cognitive science and neuroscience findings about mathematics learning 2021-2023- time-lag in the Australian context. In Advances in Mathematics and STEM Education, incorporating developments in neuroscience, brain science and neurodiversity.

Lynch, T. (2024). Physically educated: developing children’s health and well-being through learning in the physical dimension. In Garvis, S. &

Pendergast, D. (Ed.), Health & wellbeing in childhood (4th ed.). (pp. 53 - 71). Melbourne, Australia: Cambridge.

Lynch, T. (2020). Physically educated: developing children’s health and well-being through learning in the physical dimension. In Garvis, S. &

Pendergast, D. (Ed.), Health & wellbeing in childhood (3rd ed.). (pp. 55-76). Melbourne, Australia: Cambridge.

Lynch, T. (2019). Introduction. In Lynch, T.  Physical Education and Wellbeing: Global and Holistic Approaches to Child Health (pp. 1-14). Switzerland: Springer International Publishing.

Lynch, T. (2019). Theories, models and approaches: physical education and wellbeing. In Lynch, T.  Physical Education and Wellbeing: Global and Holistic Approaches to Child Health (pp. 15-34). Switzerland: Springer International Publishing.

Lynch, T. (2019). Approaches to health and wellbeing. In Lynch, T.  Physical Education and Wellbeing: Global and Holistic Approaches to Child Health (pp. 35-42). Switzerland: Springer International Publishing. 

Lynch, T. (2019). Global policy: holistic health, wellbeing and physical education evolution. In Lynch, T.  Physical Education and Wellbeing: Global and Holistic Approaches to Child Health (pp. 43-58). Switzerland: Springer International Publishing.


Lynch, T. (2019). The meaning of "education" in "physical education". In Lynch, T.  Physical Education and Wellbeing: Global and Holistic Approaches to Child Health (pp. 59-68). Switzerland: Springer International Publishing.


Lynch, T. (2019). Physically educated for student wellbeing. In Lynch, T.  Physical Education and Wellbeing: Global and Holistic Approaches to Child Health (pp. 69-86). Switzerland: Springer International Publishing.


Lynch, T. (2019). History of the physical dimension. In Lynch, T.  Physical Education and Wellbeing: Global and Holistic Approaches to Child Health (pp. 87-96). Switzerland: Springer International Publishing.


Lynch, T. (2019). Contemporary problems: exploring the power of education approaches in health, wellbeing and physical education. In Lynch, T.  Physical Education and Wellbeing: Global and Holistic Approaches to Child Health (pp. 97-111. Switzerland: Springer International Publishing.

Lynch, T. (2019). The socio-cultural approach and implementation in schools. In Lynch, T.  Physical Education and Wellbeing: Global and Holistic Approaches to Child Health (pp. 113-125). Switzerland: Springer International Publishing.

Lynch, T. (2019). Methodology: research design and analysis of data. In Lynch, T.  Physical Education and Wellbeing: Global and Holistic Approaches to Child Health (pp. 127-142). Switzerland: Springer International Publishing. 

Lynch, T. (2019). Spiritual dimension. In Lynch, T.  Physical Education and Wellbeing: Global and Holistic Approaches to Child Health (pp. 143-151). Switzerland: Springer International Publishing.

Lynch, T. (2019). Mental health: social and emotional dimensions. In Lynch, T.  Physical Education and Wellbeing: Global and Holistic Approaches to Child Health (pp. 153-165). Switzerland: Springer International Publishing.

Lynch, T. (2019). Physical dimension. In Lynch, T.  Physical Education and Wellbeing: Global and Holistic Approaches to Child Health (pp. 167-181). Switzerland: Springer International Publishing.

Lynch, T. (2019). Cognitive dimension. In Lynch, T.  Physical Education and Wellbeing: Global and Holistic Approaches to Child Health (pp. 183-197). Switzerland: Springer International Publishing.

Lynch, T. (2019). Conclusion and recommendations: physical education and wellbeing. In Lynch, T.  Physical Education and Wellbeing: Global and Holistic Approaches to Child Health (pp. 199-214). Switzerland: Springer International Publishing.


Lynch, T. (2017). Physically educated: developing children’s health and well-being through movement and motor skills . In Garvis, S. &

Pendergast, D. (Ed.), Health & wellbeing in childhood (2nd ed.). (pp. 77-94). Melbourne, Australia: Cambridge.


Lynch, T. (2016). Introduction. In Lynch, T. The Future of Health, Wellbeing and Physical Education: Optimising  Children's Health through local and Global partnerships (pp. 1-24). Switzerland: Springer International Publishing.


Lynch, T. (2016). Context of partnerships. In Lynch, T. The Future of Health, Wellbeing and Physical Education: Optimising  Children's Health through local

and Global partnerships (pp. 25-36). Switzerland: Springer International Publishing.


Lynch, T. (2016). Creating local pathways in university teacher education: planting the seed. In Lynch, T. The Future of Health, Wellbeing and Physical

Education: Optimising  Children's Health through local and Global partnerships (pp. 37-51). Switzerland: Springer International Publishing.


Lynch, T. (2016). Making sense of the big picture: what the literature says. In Lynch, T. The Future of Health, Wellbeing and Physical Education: Optimising Children's Health through local and Global partnerships (pp. 53-66). Switzerland: Springer International Publishing.


Lynch, T. (2016). Global community partnership research. In Lynch, T. The Future of Health, Wellbeing and Physical Education: Optimising Children's Health through local and Global partnerships (pp. 67-86). Switzerland: Springer International Publishing.


Lynch, T. (2016). Global insights and support. In Lynch, T. The Future of Health, Wellbeing and Physical Education: Optimising Children's Health through local and Global partnerships (pp. 87-98). Switzerland: Springer International Publishing.


Lynch, T. (2016). Developing local partnerships in HPE (win, win, win). In Lynch, T. The Future of Health, Wellbeing and Physical Education: Optimising Children's Health through local and Global partnerships (pp. 99-109). Switzerland: Springer International Publishing.


Lynch, T. (2016). Partnerships work: continuing the success in swimming and water safety. In Lynch, T. The Future of Health, Wellbeing and Physical Education: Optimising Children's Health through local and Global partnerships (pp. 111-124). Switzerland: Springer International Publishing.


Lynch, T. (2016). Benefitting from national initiatives: tennis Australia 'hot shots'. In Lynch, T. The Future of Health, Wellbeing and Physical Education: Optimising Children's Health through local and Global partnerships (pp. 125-133). Switzerland: Springer International Publishing.


Lynch, T. (2016). Overcoming barriers and problem solving. In Lynch, T. The Future of Health, Wellbeing and Physical Education: Optimising Children's

Health through local and Global partnerships (pp. 135-148). Switzerland: Springer International Publishing.


Lynch, T. (2016). Conclusion and recommendations. In Lynch, T. The Future of Health, Wellbeing and Physical Education: Optimising Children's Health through local and Global partnerships (pp. 149-159). Switzerland: Springer International Publishing.


Lynch, T. (2016). Australian football: leading children's fundamental movement and sporting skill development. In M. Drummund & S. Pill (Eds.),

Advances in Australian Football: a sociological and applied science exploration of the game (pp. 110-119). Hindmarsh, South Australia: Australian Council for Health, Physical Education and Recreation (ACHPER). ISBN: 9780992341558


Lynch, T. (2014). Investigating a win, win situation: delivering quality swimming experiences for children in local primary schools within the

Gippsland region, via teacher education. In A. Gunstone (Ed.), Developing sustainable education in regional Australia

(pp. 117-132). Melbourne, Australia: Monash University Publishing. doi:10.13140/2.1.4462.5286 



Academic Presentations


Lynch, T., Goff, W. & Soukup, G. J. (2024, July 8). Australian Primary School Leaders' Response to Improving Education, Health, and Wellbeing. Abstract proceedings of the International Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Dance, and Sport World Congress. Tokyo Gakugei University, Tokyo, Japan.

Lynch, T. (2022, October 1). Physical literacy & Health. Keynote address presented at Teach Up Singapore 2022. Dulwich College Singapore, Singapore.

Lynch, T. (2020, November 14). Covid-19 A case study: enhancing wellbeing through health and physical education. Paper presented at the International

Alliance of Health, Physical Education, Dance and Sport (IAHPEDS) Virtual Roundtable Discussion, Fredericksburg, Virginia, USA.

Lynch, T. (2017, October 21-22). Enhancing pupil well-being through partnerships. Paper presented at the Federation of British International Schools

In Asia (FOBISIA) Teachers' Conference 'FOBISIA Cares'. Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. British Vietnamese International School, A Nord Anglia Education



Lynch, T. (2017, January 5). Links with schools: researchers in residence (rir). Paper presented at Initial Teacher Education (ITE) Development. Plymouth, UK:

Plymouth University Institute of Education.


Lynch, T. (2016, June 23). The future of health, wellbeing and physical education: Optimising children's health and wellbeing through local and global

sustainable partnerships. Paper presented at Sustainable Earth 2016: A global forum for connecting research with action. Plymouth, UK:

Plymouth University Sustainable Earth Institute.


Lynch, T. (2015, September 21). The formulae to improving children's numeracy & literacy ...  Health + Physical Education2 = Wellbeing.

Keynote address presented at the 2015 ACHPER (SA) / SACPSSA Health & Physical Education Primary Years Conference, Adelaide (Australia).


Lynch, T. (2015, September 21). The passion to lead – PE teachers leading a whole school approach can optimise the child’s health development.

Paper presented at the 2015 ACHPER (SA) / SACPSSA Health & Physical Education Primary Years Conference, Adelaide (Australia).


Lynch, T. (2015, September 21). Investigating the spiritual dimension in HPE. Paper presented at the 2015 ACHPER (SA) / SACPSSA Health & Physical Education Primary Years Conference, Adelaide (Australia).


Lynch, T. (2015, July 1-5). Health and Physical Education (HPE): Local and Global Communities of Practice. Paper presented at The Third European Conference on Education - organised by the International Academic Forum (iafor) in affiliation with the global university partners, Brighton,

United Kingdom.


Lynch, T. (2015, April 13-15). International Council for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, Sport and Dance (ICHPER-SD): partnering ACHPERPaper presented at the 29th Australian Council for Health, Physical Education and Recreation (ACHPER) International Conference, Adelaide (Australia).


Lynch, T. (2015, March 17). The status of ICHPER-SD Oceania region: A critique and challenge for executing the duties and responsibilities as

stipulated in the bylaws and operating codes. Paper presented at the 2015 ICHPER-SD Forum held in conjunction with the 130th Society of Health and Physical Educators (SHAPE) America, Seattle, Washington (U.S.A.).


Lynch, T. (2014, December 18-20). On the front foot: an Australian Health and Physical Education (HPE) perspective. Paper presented at the 56th

International Council Health, Physical Education, Recreation, Sport and Dance (ICHPER-SD) Anniversary World Congress & Exposition, Manama

(Bahrain). doi:10.13140/2.1.1437.8563


Lynch, T (2014, January 20). Health and physical education in the primary school: Generalist teachers, specialist HPE teachers and tennis development.

Paper presented at the Australian Open (Tennis Australia) - University Education Conference, Rod Laver Arena, Melbourne. doi:10.13140/2.1.3385.2808 


Lynch, T. (2014, January 15). Community education collaborations: Health and Physical Education (HPE). Paper presented at the University of

East London, Teacher Education Research Group, Water Lane, East London (UK). doi:10.13140/2.1.3254.2083


Lynch, T. (2013, December 19-21). Listening to primary schools: Australian Health and Physical Education (HPE). Paper presented at the 55th

International Council Health and Physical Education, Sport and Dance (ICHPER-SD) World Congress, Istanbul (Turkey).


Lynch, T. (2013, November 27-29). Swimming and water safety education: continuing the journey of belief. Paper presented at the 28th

Australian Council for Health, Physical Education and Recreation (ACHPER) International Conference, Melbourne (Australia).


Lynch, T. (2013, February13-15). A resource package Framework for producing quality graduates to work in rural, regional and remote Australia:

a global perspective. Paper presented at the 3rd International Symposium for Innovation in Rural Education (ISFIRE) / 29th Society for the

Provision of Education fo Rural Australia (SPERA) National Conference, University of Western Australia, Perth.

Lynch, T. (2012, September 26-28). Community collaboration through sport: bringing schools together. Paper presented at the 28th national

SPERA (Society for the Provision of Education for Rural Australia) Conference, University of Southern Queensland, Toowoomba (Queensland).

Lynch, T. (2012, July 23-25). Swimming education in society: developing ability and confidence. Paper presented virtually at the Third

International Conference on Sport and Society, Cambridge University, Cambridge (UK).

Lynch, T. (2012, June 14-16). Exploring religious education and health and physical education key learning area connections in Primary Schools.

Paper presented virtually at the Tenth International Conference on New Directions in the Humanities, Montréal (Canada).

Lynch, T. (2011, December 17-23). What does an Australian primary school model health and physical education (HPE) programme look like?

Paper presented at the 53rd International Council Health and Physical Education, Sport and Dance World Congress, Cairo (Egypt).

Lynch, T. (2011, November 21). Investigating a win, win situation: delivering quality swimming experiences for children in local primary schools

within the Gippsland region, through teacher education. Paper presented at the REIN 'Research in Educational Issues' Education for Regional

Sustainability Congress, Gippsland (Vic).

Lynch, T. (2009, October 29). What could teacher education look like in the 21st century and how should research over the next 5 years

contribute to this vision? Abstract presented to the Faculty of Education Executives, University of Canberra (ACT).

Lynch, T.  (2006, October 1-4).  Inclusion and equity in HPE policy and practice: An evaluation of school responses within three Brisbane Catholic

Education (BCE) primary schools.  Paper presented at the 1st International Council Health and Physical Education, Sport and Dance Oceania

Congress, Wellington (NZ).

Lynch, T. (2006, July 24). Thinking about current and future research in the area of human movement and heath education. Paper presented to

the Faculty of Education and Social Work, University of Sydney (NSW).

Lynch, T. (2006, October 25). What is good practice in health and physical education? Abstract presented at the Brisbane Catholic Education

Principal Conference, Mooloolaba (Qld).

Lynch, T. (2005, 19 December). Strategically developing and implementing Australian Football League (AFL) school programs. Abstract presented

to the AFL Game Development Department, AFL House (Vic).

Lynch, T. (2005, June 7). An evaluation of school responses to the introduction of the Queensland 1999 health and physical education (HPE)

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Lynch, T. (2005, March 11). Sharing research in health and physical education. Abstract presented to the School of Human Movement Studies,

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Lynch, T. (2003, November 3). Evaluating the implementation of the new Queensland health and physical education documents (1999) in

Brisbane Catholic Education primary schools. Doctoral Thesis Proposal Defence Seminar, Faculty of Education, Australian Catholic University




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